28 January 2022

Kata Kunci
Lansia Abad 21, Buku Lansia, Buku Kelanjutusiaan


Aging Publikasi

Wayan Suriastini, Bondan Sikoki, Endra Dwi Mulyanto, Titis Putri Ambarwati, Ragil Safitri, Naryanta, Jejen Fauzan, Rodhiah Umaroh, Achmad Budi Santoso, Adhi Santika, dkk

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Compendium: Older Adults in the 21st Century

lansia abad 21

The book 'Compendium: Older Adults in the 21st Century' is a collaboration among investigators comprising researchers from SurveyMETER and Indonesian older adult observers who are members of the Coalition for Communities Caring for the Older Adults (KuMPUL). As the title suggests, the book discusses the latest dynamics of aging, enclosing the independence and actualization of the elders, globalization for them, as well as social protection and health services for older adults.  

SurveyMETER researchers contributed significantly through four writing topics that reviewed public services and elderly health, the self-actualization of older adults, and the mainstreaming of aging. The following two articles have a comprehensive correlation because they both discuss the public dimension of the elders. Wayan Suriastini notably encourages us to learn about the urgency of long-term care (LTC), including homecare and daycare, by perceiving best practices in Japan, Thailand, and Singapore. Endra Mulyanto et al. also discussed the importance of providing an elderly-friendly environment for backstopping their mobility. This article also presents concrete proposals, such as optimizing village ambulance services, volunteering by residents to accompany older adults, providing incentives, and improving public transportation facilities for them.

The two other articles examine the intergenerational dimension of aging activities, although the correlation is moderate. Titis Putri Ambarwati et al. cleverly questioned the mainstreaming of older adults in formal education with the young generation's low concern level for the elders. This article shows that the participation of older adults in early, primary, and secondary education activities may ignite the younger generation's empathy for the aging process. Meanwhile, Naryanta et al. scrutinized the medium/mechanism of older adults in family medicinal garden plant cultivation activities (TOGA). This article depicts elderly figures who are tenacious in caring for TOGA medical gardens in their yards and then assesses that for such work will be more beneficial if carried out across generations.

Here is the link to download the book complimentary.

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pdf2Bunga Rampai: Lansia di Abad 21


pdf2Halaman Depan

pdf2Daftar Isi


pdf2BAB 1: Lansia di Tengah Arus Globalisasi dan Pendidikan Kelanjutusiaan

pdf2Melek Literasi Digital untuk Lansia, Pentingkah?

pdf2Mengintegrasikan Materi Kelanjutusiaan di Pendidikan Formal

pdf2BAB 2: Merancang Hidup Sehat Menuju Lansia Tangguh dan Prima

pdf2Menyiapkan Diri Sedini Mungkin Menjadi Lansia Tangguh

pdf2Pentingnya Pendekatan Berpusat Kepada Kebutuhan Individu (PBKI) Bagi Lansia

pdf2Belajar dari Negara Lain untuk Layanan Home Care dan Day Care Bagi Perawatan Lanjut Usia yang Holistik

pdf2BAB 3: Menyongsong Kemandirian dan Kesejahteraan Lansia

pdf2Menghapus Stigma dan Diskriminasi karena Usia dalam Dunia Kerja

pdf2Rabun Jauh Kita untuk Bersiap Menjadi Lansia

pdf2BAB 4: Lansia Dalam Kreasi dan Aktualisasi Diri

pdf2Aktualisasi Diri Lansia: Belajar dari Tokoh-Tokoh Lansia

pdf2Lanjut Usia Aktor Pelestari Tanaman Obat Keluarga

pdf2BAB 5: Lingkungan Ramah Lansia

pdf2Kota dan Kawasan Ramah Lanjut Usia

pdf2Lingkungan Ramah Lansia Penting Bagi Mobilitas Lansia

pdf2BAB 6: Interseksionalitas Isu Lansia

pdf2Meski Waria, Lansia Waria Tetaplah Lansia

pdf2Peran Anak dan Pemerintah dalam Menjamin Kesejahteraan Lansia: Perbandingan Negeri Belanda dan Indonesia

pdf2BAB 7: Mainstreaming Kelanjutusiaan di Ranah Kebijakan

pdf2“Jauh Panggang Dari Api” Mempertanyakan Keberpihakan RANHAM Terhadap Hak-Hak Lansia

pdf2Profil Kumpul

pdf2Biodata Singkat Penulis

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