Pilot Study for the Family Hope Program (SPKH) 2010

Friday, 10/12/2010


This study is a pilot survey from Effective Targeting of Anti-Poverty Programs second’s research phase. A preliminary investigation was conducted through the Indonesian Household Socioeconomic Survey (SUSETI) in 2008.

This pilot project intends to examine the effectiveness of numerous alternative hybrid and self-targeting strategies. One strategy is self-targeting, which involves approaching people to sign up for certain programs. The Family Hope Program (PKH), a conditional direct assistance program for low-income families with pregnant mothers and school-age children, is the program in question. In this study, the registration process was created in such a way that poor people were more inclined to register than non-poor persons. To put it another way, the purpose of this experiment is to investigate various applications of combining community and PMT methods and to find the benefits and efficacy of self-targeting approaches, in which the community sets its own goals.

Twelve villages/ urban precincts in Makassar City and ten villages in the Lebak Regency were the sites of this study. Ten villages in Lebak, ten urban precincts in Makassar, and two hybrid villages in Makassar are the "sign up" villages that include all of these villages/sub-districts.

Two Neighborhood Units (RT) were chosen from each village/kelurahan, and five households conducted interviews with each RT. Interviews were carried out just in the villages designated as "registrants/ sign up," excluding hybrid villages. Thus, 200 households in total—100 in Makassar and 100 in Lebak— become respondents to the survey.

From March 6–20, 2010, the fieldwork of the study commenced with house visits for listing and interviews. Afterwards, they used the same questionnaire from the initial visit to conduct follow-up visits (verification) to a subset of households (the identity and number of which were decided by the World Bank) is scheduled for April 16–May 8. Various teams completed their fieldwork by returning to 200 households that they had previously chosen between June 15 and July 12, 2010. This team's assignment was to find out whether families had willingly enrolled and, if so, why. (JF)