The working papers we shared on this website are scientific writings of knowledge products cultivated independently by SurveyMETER researchers or collaborative agilities based on self-initiated research activities or synergistically commissioned studies with other institutions. We hope you may distribute this paper in any form. It expects that the great idea of writing can inspire many people.


Cutting the costs of attrition: Results from the Indonesia Family Life Survey



Attrition is the Achilles heel of longitudinal surveys. Drawing on our experience in the Indonesia Family Life Survey, we describe survey design and field strategies that contributed to minimizing attrition over four waves of the survey.


Causal effect of health on labor market outcomes: Experimental evidence



Iron deficiency is widespread throughout the developing world. We provide new evidence on the effect of iron deficiency on economic and social prosperity of older adults drawing on data from a random assignment treatment-control design intervention.


Iron deficiency and the well-being of older adults: Early results from a randomized nutrition intervention



Iron deficiency is widespread throughout the developing world. We provide new evidence on the effect of iron deficiency on economic and social prosperity of older adults drawing on data from a random assignment treatment-control design intervention.


Contraceptive Use in a Changing Service Environment: Evidence from the First Year of Indonesia’s Economic Crisis



Since the 1970s many developing countries have launched large-scale efforts to provide couples with family planning services.