Eastern Indonesia Family Life Survey (SAKERTIM) 2012
Wednesday, 12/12/2012
From May to November 2012, the Eastern Indonesia Family Life Survey (SAKERTIM) 2012 was conducted. Surveys like the Indonesian Family Life Survey (SAKERTI), which has been conducted for four rounds but does not currently present data for eastern Indonesia, were the impetus behind the creation of SAKERTIM. Australian Aid (AUSAID) and the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) provided support for the SAKERTIM initiative.
SAKERTIM was conducted in 52 districts/cities in seven provinces: East Nusa Tenggara, East Kalimantan, Southeast Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, West Papua, and Papua. It covered 91 enumeration areas in 91 sub-districts. The responsibilities of SurveyMETER include organizing and collecting field data, interpreting it, and reporting the findings to interested stakeholders.
Similar to SAKERTI, detailed household survey data is gathered for SAKERTIM, covering a wide range of aspects of household life, including economic and social welfare indicators like consumption, income, assets, labor force participation, education, migration, health, use of health facilities, health insurance, marital history, pregnancy, use of contraceptives, decision-making, involvement in the community, and so forth. Interviews with the heads of the chosen families or with specific members of the households were used to get this information.
Using a quantitative cross-section approach, SAKERTIM is conducted by two teams: the household team and the community and facilities team (Komfas). In May, the Indonesian Household Team began their work, and the Komfas team deployed the following month. The community and facilities team will visit the targets after the household team has gathered all of the data, including community statistics and facilities used by the household.
SAKERTIM is known as a dual-purpose (multipurpose) survey because, in addition to gathering data from households, it also gathers information and statistics on health and educational facilities that households in the designated areas are aware of and utilize. Infrastructure, socioeconomic circumstances, accessibility to educational resources, health and the caliber of services offered, and the cost of basic requirements are all included in the data.
Facilities in the enumeration areas that were mentioned by households in the Household Survey comprise the sample of health and education facilities in the Komfas survey. Facilities are graded within each stratum based on how frequently respondents mention them. Every time, a visit was chosen at random to the facilities that were most commonly suggested. The educational and healthcare facilities that the sample families had described were then compiled into a single entry in the Facilities Existence List (DKF) book.
The health facilities that were visited included Posyandu Balita, Posyandu Lansia, Traditional Leaders, Private Practices like clinics, general practice doctors, midwives, and orderlies/nurses. Elementary schools (SD), junior high schools (SMP), and senior high schools (SMA) were the educational establishments that were visited. At the community level, village heads and their staff were interviewed regarding socio-economic conditions, availability of facilities and infrastructure, and the implementation of government programs in their communities. (JF)
Enhancing decent work among older people engaged in nature-based solutions in Indonesia
Author : Friday, 31/05/2024
By definition, nature-based solutions (NbS) provide many environmental and social benefits for older people (e.g. greater food security). However, working in NbS is not without challenges.
Older people in Central Java engage in informal NbS jobs, which are often undervalued and voluntary, lacking job security, adequate remuneration and social protection despite their contribution to the environment.
NbS jobs are characterised by low occupational safety, because of poor infrastructure and physical demands of the work.
While many older people aspire to advance their skills and do jobs other than manual work, they do not have opportunities for skills development.
Ageism and age discrimination were found to be widespread, calling for an urgent need to address these issues within communities and to create initiatives empowering older people.
Social dialogue is often lacking in rural areas. Older farmers’ aspirations to change the conditions of sharecropping were found to be ignored.
Ecolabelling standards, while promoting sustainability, can limit income for older individuals, particularly in the trade of non-timber forest products.
Effective employment policies covering work in NbS in line with the current Indonesia’s Decent Work Country Programme must be designed and implemented to ensure that the rights of older people are respected.
This is the key message from the results of the SurveyMETER study with HelpAge International which was carried out from December 2023 to January 2024 in Purworejo Regency, which was packaged in the May 2024 Edition of the Policy Brief. The complete information can be downloaded here.
Pilot Study for the Family Hope Program (SPKH) 2010
This study is a pilot survey from Effective Targeting of Anti-Poverty Programs second’s research phase. A preliminary investigation was conducted through the Indonesian Household Socioeconomic Survey (SUSETI) in 2008.
Indonesian Household Socioeconomic Survey (SUSETI-TARGETING) 2010
Phase II of the Effective Targeting of Anti-Poverty Programs project will look at cost savings and the efficacy of the self-targeting strategy in addition to examining other potential PMT-community hybrid combinations. Self-targeting is a strategy in which an individual has to register in order to participate in a program. The Family Hope Program (PKH), a conditional cash support program for low-income households with pregnant mothers and school-age children, is the program being discussed here.
Survey of Indonesian Workers' Participation in the Old Age Savings Program
The World Bank commissioned SurveyMETER in cooperation with the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, to conduct the Survey of Indonesian Workers' Participation in the Old Age Savings Program.
Measuring Disaster Recovery: Lessons Learned from Early Recovery in Post-Tsunami Area of Aceh, Indonesia
In the same timeframe of post-disaster recovery, the medium and heavily-damaged areas were improving, nonetheless, the lightly-damaged areas showed a decline in conditions.
A US $120 Million Nutrition Project had no significant impact on stunting reduction in Indonesia
SurveyMETER and Mathematica Inc, Washington DC conducted an evaluation study of the Community-Based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting Project (Nutrition Project), a program funded by the Millennium Challenge implemented in 11 provinces in Indonesia between 2014 and 2018. This Nutrition Project offered to reduce stunting through 3 main activities comprehensively: 1. Community-based health and education assistance program, 2. Training of health workers on feeding children under five and monitoring growth, and 3.
Realizing the Integrated Elderly Care Services by Launching the Community Care Hub “Girang Melinggih” Program
Tuesday, 01/11/2022Gianyar, Bali

Indonesia will officially enter the aging population structure phase in 2021 since it has a percentage of older adults of more than 10%. Indonesia will have a percentage of older adults of 10.82%, which is equal to 29.3 million elderly citizens. Bali Province is one of eight provinces that has a percentage of elderly population of more than ten percent, that is 12.71%.
Dr. Suriastini, Executive Director of SurveyMETER, conveyed that considering its significant and urgent nature, BAPPENAS initiated the Community Care Hub (CCH) pilot by collaborating with technical assistance from ADB and support from District/City and Village/Kelurahan governments in five locations in Indonesia. The pilot locations, two in Bali, are in Melinggih Village - Gianyar District and Pedungan Village - Denpasar City, while the other three are in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. SurveyMETER coordinated the implementation with support from ADB National and International Consultants. The capacity development training and its implementation thereafter were carried out in stages commencing from February 2021 to May 2022.
CCH is an integrated service where the integration process occurs naturally and is facilitated by the case manager. The Case Manager integrates services that have been or are being developed by the Government, Universities/Institutes/Research Institutes, NGOs, and the Community to improve Holistic services for older citizens in an integrated manner appertaining to health, social and economic matters.
Moreover, Melinggih Village Head, I Made Diptayana, A.Md., revealed that it is called the Community Care Hub "Lansia Girang Melinggih" which means "Gianyar Elderly-Friendly, Safe and Happy, with a Sophisticated Environment" in Melinggih. The results of the latest data collection as of October 4, 2022, carried out by ITEKES Bali students who carried out NERS Professional Fieldwork training, show that the number of older adults in Melinggih was 1127 people.
There are 94 frail and vulnerable older adults, known as level 3, or the equivalent of 8.3%. Until now, only 13% have been served. The 355 senior citizens experience several health problems with a better functional condition, called level 2, equivalent to 37.50%, while the healthy ones are called level 1, totaling 678 people, or equal to 54.10%. The Melinggih village head also invited older citizens not to be pessimistic because the District and Village governments are at their service for them.
Located at the Payangan Sub-District Community Center, Sunday, October 30, 2022, the Regent of Gianyar, I Made Mahayastra, S.ST.Par., M.A.P., represented by Assistant II, launched the Community Care Hub (CCH) Melinggih village with the Strike the Gong ceremonial. Gianyar Regent, I Made Mahayastra, SST.Par., M.A.P. In his speech read by Assistant II to the Gianyar Regency Government. The CCH Melinggih village was a model for other villages in providing better services to older citizens. The government, community, society, and family should work together to create better services for older adults.
Meanwhile, the Chancellor of ITEKES Bali, I Gede Putu Darma Suyasa, Ph.D., said that he would continue to support CCH in Melinggih village after ITEKES Bali students carried out NERS Professional Field Work Practices in Melinggih Village for the last six weeks and assisted with various activities at CCH. Part of the activity was also the closing ceremony for the Bali ITEKES NERS Professional Field Work Practices. On this occasion, the Head of the Giayar Regency PKK Mobilization Team, represented by the secretary, Mrs. Wayan Sriyani, handed over wheelchair assistance. The Bondre's performances about CCH, Pendet dance, Janger dance, Wirama, gymnastics, yoga, crafts, and culinary delights from the active aging program enlivened the event. (HD)
The Sleman District Government Focuses on Empowering the Older Adults
Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan kerjasama Survey METER dengan Universitas Katholik Atma Jaya Jakarta dan University of Southamtom,United Kingdom.
Workshop on Dissemination of Economic Analysis on Digitalization of the SMILE (Immunization and Logistics Electronic Monitoring System) Program
The Immunization and Logistics Electronic Monitoring System (SMILE) Program is a historic milestone in efforts to increase the efficiency of the immunization program in Indonesia. As a collaboration between the Indonesian Ministry of Health and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), SMILE was designed as a revolutionary solution to ensure timely vaccine availability throughout the country. This monumental step began with the launch and trial of SMILE in 2018, which became a steady foundation for SMILE's long passage in supporting immunization programs.