ECED Mentoring Program in Guwosari Village

Monday, 21/10/2013Guwosari, Pajangan, Bantul


The focus of SurveyMETER's assistance to Jatimulyo village of Dlingo sub-district and Guwosari village of Pajangan sub-District in Bantul district since informed a few months earlier (read; Village Assistance Program) is village assistance to support facilitation, identification, and development village potential in three ways. The first is good data ownership (coverage, updated, quality) by assisting in preparing village profiles in 2012, institutionalizing village administration, and reporting systems. Second, improving basic education services for early childhood education (ECED). Third, improving basic health services, especially health problems for the elderly.

In contrast to Jatimulyo village where the ECED assessment is focusing on governance issues and learning tools, Guwosari is on nutrition education in the ECED environment issues.

The preparation of ECED mentoring activities in Guwosari Village was launched with an internal discussion of the Mentoring Team on Sunday, September 22, 2013, regarding the plan to provide Nutrition Education Training of Trainers (TOT) materials delivered by One Earth Integral Education Foundation every Friday for 8 meetings. Later on Thursday, September 26, 2013, SurveyMETER held a presentation on Nutrition Education by One Earth Integral Education Foundation attended by the Assistance Team, such as Sukamtiningsih, Fita Herawati, Setyo Pujiastuti, Nasiruddin, and Okie Judhijanto, while the speakers from One Earth Integral Education Foundation were dr. Djoko Pramono MM, Ardi Pras, and Anisa Mira Fauziah S.E.

The Nutrition Education Program introduced by One Earth Integral Education Foundation is to offer education based on four themes bundled into one package. First, Me and Myself contains hygiene materials, sources of nutrition, and nutritional composition. Second, Me and the Surroundings encompasses children begin to learn about nutritional information (for example; intake of more fruit and vegetables, reducing sugar and soda, meeting the body's water needs) and value-based (discipline of consuming a balanced healthy menu, caring for others, sorting out healthy and unhealthy foods).

Third, Me and the World involves nutritional information (calorie and calcium intakes, healthy snacks), value-based of understanding, cooperation, and sacrifice (that mutual as a child I will grow as I grow calcium, sourced from a healthy menu). Fourth, Citizens of the World expect that children will practice nutrition information (the importance of iron, cooperation between children and parents in preparing healthy menus, children's awareness of healthy menu intake), value-based of care for others, serving others, and confidence (after all nutritional information and values are given and expected to grow confident).

Parenting materials are taught to parents through presentations, demonstrations, exercises, and self-empowerment, while to children, those are conveyed through the platform of motion and singing (utilizing musical instruments, sing a song they are familiar with), storytelling, traditional playgames, contest, exercise, pasting pictures, and coloring.

On Thursday, October 10, 2013, the SurveyMETER Mentoring Team conducted socialization of the Nutrition Education TOT training activities to ECED educators in Guwosari Village. The event was held at the Guwosari Village Hall, opened directly by the village head, Mr. Suharto.

Attended by 15 ECED administrators who represented 12 of 18 ECED in Guwosari which later decided together at the end of the socialization that all (12) attendees would enlist the training respectively sent 2 educators, 1 parent, and 1 student of ECED. The training would be held every Friday from 08.00-10.30, commencing on October 25, 2013, at the Guwosari Village Hall. (JF)