The working papers we shared on this website are scientific writings of knowledge products cultivated independently by SurveyMETER researchers or collaborative agilities based on self-initiated research activities or synergistically commissioned studies with other institutions. We hope you may distribute this paper in any form. It expects that the great idea of writing can inspire many people.
Measuring Disaster Recovery: Lessons Learned from Early Recovery in Post-Tsunami Area of Aceh, Indonesia
In the same timeframe of post-disaster recovery, the medium and heavily-damaged areas were improving, nonetheless, the lightly-damaged areas showed
A US $120 Million Nutrition Project had no significant impact on stunting reduction in Indonesia
SurveyMETER and Mathematica Inc, Washington DC conducted an evaluation study of the Community-Based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting Project
Exposure to the Indian Ocean Tsunami shapes the HPA-axis resulting in HPA “burnout” 14 years later
Despite significant research on the effects of stress on the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, questions remain regarding long-term impact
Berita Terkini
Wednesday, 12/12/2012
Thursday, 12/09/2024
Wednesday, 15/05/2024
Tuesday, 30/04/2024