Indonesia Longitudinal Aging Survey (ILAS) 2023
Population aging is a megatrend reshaping the economy and society in Asia and the Pacific.
Thursday, 12/09/2024

Indonesia Longitudinal Aging Survey (ILAS) 2023
Population aging is a megatrend reshaping the economy and society in Asia and the Pacific.

Study Report on Health and Older Adults Care Services in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY)
SurveyMETER supports the Karinakas Foundation in conducting studies using quantitative-qualitative (mixed) methods involving local-domestic residents to collect data on the situation and conditions of the older citizens population.
Wednesday, 06/09/2023

Examining decent work in Indonesia: Experiences of older rural women entrepreneurs in Central Java
Executive summary
Thursday, 19/10/2023

Lessons Learned from Efforts to Support Strengthening Inclusive and Accountable Services
SurveyMETER, in collaboration with PUSKAPA UI under the support of KOMPAK, the Australian Government, and the Ministry of National Development Plan
Monday, 17/10/2022

Report: Economic Resilience and Digital Adoption among Ultra-Micro-Entrepreneurs in Indonesia
From August to September 2021 SurveyMETER in collaboration with Women's World Banking conducted a Study of Economic Resilience and Digital Adoption
Monday, 11/04/2022

Measuring The Quality of MoRA’S Education Services
In 2019 SurveyMETER for the trust of the World Bank and MoRA carried out the Indonesian Education Service Indicator Survey (SIPP).
Saturday, 09/01/2021

The 7th Wave of World Value Survey Indonesia
The World Values Survey is designed to test the hypothesis that economic and
Monday, 27/07/2020

Report on the Results of the Study on Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) in Indonesia 2018
SurveyMETER released the results of the 2018 Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) Study in Jeneponto and Pangkep districts, South Sulawesi, Indones
Thursday, 16/07/2020
Berita Terkini
Wednesday, 12/12/2012
Thursday, 12/09/2024
Wednesday, 15/05/2024